Draw & Results
2024 Results
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
593 Open Entries - 1336 Runs - 687 Incentive Entries
$123,055 Total Cash Paid
Results from Previous ShootOut Events
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
549 Open Entries - 1218 Runs - 629 Incentive Entries
$113,614 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
574 Open Entries - 1268 Runs - 645 Incentive Entries
$118,430 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
682 Open Entries - 1484 Runs - 808 Incentive Entries
$136,008 Total Cash Payout
The 2020 Summer ShootOut fell victim to COVID-19 as the date was used to reschedule the BBR World Finals.
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
797 Open Entries - 1714 Runs - 836 Incentive Entries
$118,023 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
764 Open Entries - 1648 Runs - 801 Incentive Entries
$113,479 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
781 Open Entries - 1682 Runs - 846 Incentive Entries
$124,838 Total Cash Payout
ShootOut Round - 1D ShootOut - 2D ShootOut - 3D ShootOut - 4D ShootOut
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
800 Open Entries - 1720 Runs - 775 Incentive Entries
$124,389 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
848 Open Entries - 1816 Runs - 484 Incentive Entries
$113,024 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
831 Open Entries - 1782 Runs - 503 Incentive Entries
$111,904 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
829 Open Entries - 1778 Runs - 475 Incentive Entries
$108,336 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
798 Open Entries - 1716 Runs - 474 Incentive Entries
$105,802 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
677 Open Entries - 1475 Runs - 342 Incentive Entries
$83,200 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
741 Open Entries - 1602 Runs - 409 Incentive Entries
$90,952 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
844 Open Entries - 1808 Runs - 449 Incentive Entries
$101,800 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
866 Open Entries - 1852 Runs - 472 Incentive Entries
$116,464 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
748 Open Entries - 1616 Runs - 403 Incentive Entries
$91,480 Total Cash Payout
Sams Town ShootOut - Tunica, MS
337 Open Entries - 780 Runs - 219 Incentive Entries
$47,560 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
796 Open Entries - 1658 Runs
$95,110 Total Cash Payout
Sams Town ShootOut - Tunica, MS
353 Open Entries - 826 Runs
$48,721 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
787 Open Entries - 1694 Runs
$95,020 Total Cash Payout
Sams Town ShootOut - Tunica, MS
339 Open Entries - 798 Runs
$42,544 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
795 Open Entries - 1710 Runs
$86,320 Total Cash Payout
Maximum Performance™ Rookie Horse Incentive
Sams Town ShootOut - Tunica, MS
418 Open Entries - 956 Runs
$53,828 Total Cash Payout
Maximum Performance™ Rookie Horse Incentive
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
783 Open Entries - 1686 Runs
$85,168 Total Cash Payout
Sams Town ShootOut - Tunica, MS
469 Open Entries - 1058 Runs
$55,024 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
725 Open Entries - 1570 Runs
$79,622 Total Cash Payout
Sams Town ShootOut - Tunica, MS
540 Open Entries - 1200 Runs
$61,840 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
795 Open Entries - 1710 Runs
$86,320 Total Cash Payout
Sams Town ShootOut - Tunica, MS
466 Open Entries - 1052 Runs
$54,736 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
696 Open Entries - 1512 Runs
$76,816 Total Cash Payout
Summer ShootOut - Oklahoma City, OK
749 Open Entries - 1618 Runs
$81,904 Total Cash Payout